Wednesday, June 01, 2005

State of Love & Trust

I have been meaning to broach this subject but being in a particularly
hard place right now, I have been avoiding it. To me, and I think most,
TRUST is the foundation of any good long-term relationship.
Those first few months are the building blocks to the relationship.
Finding out all the good stuff about the person; meeting her friends & introducing
her to yours; seeing her drink (or get drunk), how much time she spends on the
phone, getting ready to go out, etc – these allow you to start to see the “real” her.
You start see the person in their natural, relaxed state. I love the first time
you see the woman the next morning – no make-up, hair all f@#ked up, bad breath and all.
If you still like her after that, congratulations, you found yourself a winner.

The problem sometimes starts with her hanging out with her friends,
going to bars & clubs, even just hanging out at a coffee shop or the gym.
Especially if the friend is single or if the girl isn’t sure she wants to be in a LTR.
She may have commitment issues. She may be flirtatious by nature.
She may thrive on attention. Any of these can lead down THAT road.

The problem I have is once the trust has been breached, that is the beginning of the end.
You see it usually starts with a LIE. then another. and another. it keeps rolling and rolling.
Sometimes you may search & search for the truth but it is buried so deep you may never find it.

What I guess I am trying to say, is trust your gut feeling.
Even if she won’t admit to anything,you can have the piece of mind
to know that you tried to get to the bottom of things.
I do believe that trust can be repaired but be prepared to
make some sacrifices and hard work, as well as getting her to get on the same page.

Myself, I am deciding if I can trust someone again.

“Promises are whispered in the age of darkness”

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