Friday, June 17, 2005

Bizarre Love Triangle

I went to see Batman Begins last night with “beat-dave”.
It is good to reconnect with old friends.Especially the single ones
that may be going through a lot of the same stuff I am.
Work sounds like it is going great for him and he is set to
(finally) open his own Aikido studio.I think if he could afford it
he would move into his own place.

As far as the movie, all I can say is WOW. They finally did get it right.
I am really excited about the resurgence of the super hero drama in the last few years.
There has been a lot of crap that has come out as well (and more on the way).
The acting is top notch and the story is portrayed with a reality that has not been seen.
It helps that Batman is just a normal guy that is a hero.
Overall, a great move - 4 of 5 Stars.

I am making another ME weekend. I have a list of stuff I want to get done,
including pampering myself, shopping and exercise.
Too bad the weather is crappy – damn June gloom. I am ready for the sun.

Today June 16th, 1989:
It has been 16 years since X-Fest at the Aztec Bowl
(with Cox Arena now currently hovering above the old field).
I remember a warm summer day with a group of young people drinking
at a condo by Grossmont College; driving to SDSU; drinking on campus;
and watching They Might Be Giants, The Sugarcubes, and NewOrder.

cp - circa 1989

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