Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summertime Blues

At the end of May, TV-ophiles like myself would either be A) Sad & Depressed the TV season was over,
B) Happy to catch up on Movies and DVDs, C) Take a break from it all and READ, or D) Get STOKED for
the new Summer TV shows (and get geeked for the Fall too)!!!

The summer started off with The Game of Thrones on HBO, that hopefully you watched (because it was GREAT!!!).
Then comes the return of White Collar & Burn Notice on USA. Futurama on Comedy Central. Wilfred (staring Elijah Wood)
and the Series Finale of Rescue Me (sooooooo Sad!) on FX in July. And finally the return of Walter White (Bryan Cranston)
and the Emmy Winning show Breaking Bad!!!

Be on the look out this fall for Powers, Grimm, and the return of The Walking Dead...

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