Saturday, June 04, 2011

Short Fuse Burning

Sometimes I forget that I am a volatile, angry, fiery Sicilian man that sometimes
gets wound-up fed-up and blows-up at small (and sometimes BIG) crap that goes on
in his life.

Now for the most part I am the sweet, loving, caring, best-friend guy. BUT, on occasion
I let my emotions get the best of me. This used to be a problem with work and jobs,
that even leaked into my 'real life". That is until I had a phenomenal talk with Chazz
a couple of years ago that put it all into perspective and gave me a better way to
handle situations... Breathe Deeply. Talk Calmly. Don't Yell or Get Upset.

So if you ever find yourself at the end of one of my tirades, realize I may
have more on my mind than just what is bothering me on the surface.

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