Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Long Time Ago... When I Believed.

An Open Letter to G.Lucas

I have been an AVID (to say the least) Star Wars fan since I was 7 years old. I remember vividly the great joy that
SW once brought to me. The smile that came to my face thinking about the SW Universe and where it would go next.
I saw Star Wars: A New Hope 40+ times in the theater (and probably over 100 counting watching on VHS & DVD).
I remember standing in line all day to see Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back. It was an event!!! Wrapping it all up
in a pretty bow known as Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.

Then came the PREQUELS.

Myself like many others, stood in line a week before the movie came out just to get tickets for in Star Wars:
The Phantom Menace
. THEN stood in line AGAIN a week later to see the movie, hoping to recapture the feeling we
got in our childhood. Then as we left the theater, we collectively scratched our heads in confusion and dismay.

Let me tell you - IT SUCKED.

I look back now and somewhat enjoy those movies - liking some of the concepts and cool scenes… But then there
is Jar-Jar. He still sends shivers through me. And how wooded Anakin (both Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen) was.
And don't get me started in Midichlorians… UBER-Lame explanations of the Force!!

Obviously, my SW movies are the original ones. I own the original VHS copy, the Limited Edition VHS, and the
special edition DVD box set. I never bought the Prequel versions nor any of the Re-released Uber-Special editions
on DVD. Instead I await the Blu-Ray version release in September, which I truly am stoked for.

The problem I have with you stems with you saying that the Original Trilogy movies "were never finished" or whatever.
You think by going in and altering the moving by dropping in CGI, that will make the movies better? The way CGI makes
a movie better, is if you can't tell it was done - NOT changing the story!!!!

Han shot first. It's true. It will ALWAYS be true. You cannot re-write history. Do yo think we will somehow FORGET we saw
him shoot first. Don't take that away from the story. It showed us that Han Solo was a bad-ass and did what it took to get
things done. Leave it alone.

And on top of all that, starting in 2012 you will be re-releasing the movies with the "special-ness" (special, like
the short yellow bus) of 3D. Now I ask, do we really NEED a 3D version of these movies? Can't you
concentrate on, I don't know, SOMETHING ELSE??!!! Stop the insanity of trying to make it better!

I am excited for the update Star Tours and being immersed into the SW Universe. It was promised 24 years ago,
but better late than never.

There is talk of a Live Action TV show coming within the next 5 years. I think to myself…. Bad Idea.
I look at what the Lucas Arts (The Old Republic) are doing to video games and think,
"THIS is the way moving forward that the Star Wars universe could and should grow". Even the Clone Wars
are better than the live action universe portrayed sine 1999. So how about letting someone else take control
for a while? I have to believe that no one wants to F@#K UP the SW Universe. So I ask you… No, Beg you.

Please stop. I want to believe again and with you at the helm, it is going to sink.

Thank You.

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