Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Nerds, Geeks and Freaks, Oh My

This weekend was the Comic Con International. I have been attending
since 1986 and registered as a Pro since 1994. I always plan my vacation
around it. It has really become more of a phenomenon as opposed to
“just comics” – it now encompasses comics, movies, video games,
tv & pop culture in general.

Besides meeting up with so many friends over the 4 days,
I use this as a marketing opportunity for picking up clients.
I love the comradery brought together by the love of all that is holy & good.

My agenda includes picking up some comics I am missing, some Simpsons toys,
some new DVD’s, sitting in on some panels for Battlestar Galactica,
the Batman & JLU animated series, cast of LOST, uber-director
Brian Singer talking about Superman Returns & Kevin Smith just to name a few.

Here are the photos from the weekend:

All about LINES

Come to the Dark Side

Blade of the Immortal toyline

Boobs Everywhere

Social D

Supersize Me

Zack surrounded by the Troopers

Crash, Cheese, Chuckles, & Bobblehead

Ghost Rider bike

Cheese & Boobs


What does she love about the cheese?

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