Friday, February 17, 2012

Who Cares What I'm Interested In…???

So, a good friend of mine bugged and bugged me to join Pinterest and I was like
“Why should I?” and “Who cares what I’m interested in?”, but I finally caved
and accepted the invite.

Not that I am on there everyday, but it’s interesting to see what people post on there.
I have a lot of friends that are designers and I like to see what cool designs, great
advertising, and fun art they want to share with the world wide web. Add in great
photography, food, architecture, animals and pretty much ANYTHING that you
can think of, and you have Pinterest.

And what makes me think my pins are interesting or anyone would care what I put
on there? I don’t care and I have fun doing it, so put a pin in it.

If you wanna know what I think is cool CLICK HERE

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