Thursday, September 15, 2011

Going the Distance

This month is my 3 Year Anniversary at my job with Custom Logos. It has been a lot of fun
and a chance to be Creative and Organized, where they were so very lacking. I still have not
peaked or reached where I actually want to get to in the organization… Patience,
I tell myself. I have a job. I get paid (I need it to be more) regularly. I still have enough free time
to do freelance as well as other creative projects.

Sure, i've looked at the market since it's gotten better but I haven't found much that makes
me say - "F@#K YES. I wanna work THERE!!!"

3 years is the point I usually get to and it makes my skin itch… I'm usually ready for a change.
This time around, I'm sticking with it, UNLESS something really, really great comes along.
Time to look towards the future & down the road, not just over the wall to see if the grass
is greener.

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