Friday, March 18, 2011

Moving Costs. Car Costs. Life Costs.

I'm very fortunate to have a great job again. One that allows me to have a decent lifestyle and
not be completely worried financially.

Considering my computer just died (during the move) and moving is a money eater, I have been
dropping cash to take care of "house stuff".

After moving, you want to fill space, buy new stuff and have nicer stuff. New Computer.
New Washer and Dryer. 2 Bakers Racks. Bookcase. I want a new desk and to get my
furniture re-upholstered.

My car also decided to be a little bitch during all this so I had to leave it at the shop for
almost a week while they fixed $1800 worth of Audi.

Just trying to smile and keep things in perspective. To enjoy my life, daily. To appreciate my
friends, family and confidants. Not to let life cost more than I can afford - monetarily as well
as my sanity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Must be something in the air. My computer died recently too....