Sunday, March 27, 2011

Empty inside...

The new house, that is.

Actually it has been sooooooooo cluttered with boxes and crap strewn about it's been hard for
this "clean-freak" to function.

In the process of unpacking. Sometimes I feel like IT WILL NEVER END. UUUUUUGH!!!!!! But after
a whirlwind of moving, un-packing, having a yard sale (and making enough for a washer & dryer)
and still unpacking even 2 weeks later, I am exhausted.

I have a full plate right now. Between work, freelance (which is patiently waiting while my
computer is down), and unpacking, I have at least found time to keep working out and relieving
some stress.

My plan is to be unpacked in the house by the end of the month.
The garage is a whole 'nother story. Good times.

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