Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Mansford Roof

So comes the time in your life when you realize you need more... More time, more consistency,
and more space. So after some talking and looking at some apartments and houses, Tasia and myself
found a great place about 8-blocks from the Compound and decided to move in together.

A HUGE change for both of us!!! After living on my own for 12 years (and her for 3 years) we will
cohabitating and joining our lives under one roof. The great thing is less driving and more time together!!!
We are both excited and looking forward to a great new house.

We are in the midst of moving, taking 2 weeks to do so. We have been slowly moving stuff over with
the big move on the 12th. Then a yard sale back at the Compound the following Saturday (March 19),
along with cleaning and unpacking, March will be a busy, busy month.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the touch of the white picket fence!