Sunday, July 11, 2010


It's not too often I am open on my own Blog. I have been told that the posts are
vague (most people call for the full scoop) and don't let most people into my life.
Even my closest friends are usually not privy to my "inside" life.

In May, LT - my girlfriend (and best friend) of a year and a half,
broke my heart & broke up with me. Our relationship, like most, had their ups
and downs. I never expected it to end like this.

We were in different places in our lives during the course of the relationship.
I know she put in a ton more effort that me, and treated me waaaaay better than
I treated her. It really came down to the "paths" we were both on and where we
saw ourselves in a few years down the road. Over the last 6 weeks, I have talk,
dissected, and dove head-first into fixing everything. See, I thought there was
still a chance to be together... Unfortunately, she had shut it off sometime before
the break-up and no matter what I did to prove that I wanted her was to fall short.

Obviously, I wish it could be different.

I wish I did things differently and followed through being the great guy I KNOW
I can be. I never meant to hurt her or not give her the world I know she deserved.

Looking back over the relationship, I remember the great times we had together.
I treasure every moment together and hope we can be friends again someday.

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