The summer ritual of Freaks, Geeks, and Comic-Con has passed and as usual,
I'm a little sad. The one thing I look forward to year round... like
my version of X-Mas (in the heat of July - not so much this year tho).
Heading into Wednesday and Preview night was the same excitement I get
every year. With questions like "How quickly will I get my badge and into
the main hall?”, “How busy will it be?”, and “ “who will I run into
this year?”.
I strode toward the Convention Center with anticipation, with Jimmy by
my side. Everything moved pretty quickly – Line for check-in, Check.
Get Pases easily, Check. Right into the Main Hall, Check. We cruised
around for a couple of hours and got the layout down.
The organizers actually made some really good changes in lay-out this year,
moving around the video games, TV area, and artist alley for better flow
through the hall. On the peek days this helped BUT didn’t fix the problem.
Headed home knowing Thursday would be the start of a long day.
Up early and down into line for Hall H with breakfast and coffee in tow.
Checked out the panels for MasterMind (Will Farrell, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill),
and Tron: Legacy. Both looked AWESOME! Missed the Danny Elfman panel but I
would have asked him if Oingo Boingo would ever do a reunion tour. Caught
the Burn Notice and White Collar panels as well. Great job by the TV Execs
getting great shows represented at the Con. Along with walking the main hall
completely, I had a pretty full day.
I ended up going to the Con late on Friday because of a funeral I needed to
attend that morning. Met up with Jim and got down there for a few hours.
Missed out on the Walking Dead panel (BOO!) but caught the trailer at the booth
a couple times during the day – and man does it look GREAT!!! I cannot wait
for October. Thanks AMC.
The BIG Show always is on Saturday and this year was no exception. The first
panel in Hall H was Green Lantern and Harry Potter. I took Adrian with me that
day. We grabbed breakfast and got in line, meeting up with Maze. So we waited…
and waited… and waited a little more. 3 hours total. Up to about 100 people from
the front, where we were told the hall was full…. F@#K!!!!!!!!! Not a great start
to the day but took it all in stride. If I was alone that day, I would have
crashed in the hall all day but it’s all good.We spent the rest of the day
checking out the main hall and enjoying the super=-packed goodness that is
Saturday at the Con.
Didn’t attend any big parties this year. Way more subdued than most years -
probably my state of mind from life and relationship stuff. The good thing
is next year will be here before I know it.
Walking Dead Trailer
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