Friday, January 16, 2009

So say we all...

Tonight starts the end of one of the greatest shows on TV... Battlestar Galactica.
The incantation has made me realize what good TV is. How cheesy Sci-Fi on TV used
to be, and helped me forget Galactica '80 (Oh, the HORROR!!!!)

So adter 4 years and reaching Earth the show comes to a close with a BANG.
They have promised to resolve the questions everyone has - Does Roslyn die?
What part does Starbuck (the savior) play? What happened to Earth?
What of the cylon/human hybrid - what is her destiny? And most importantly,
who is the Final Cylon?

My money is on Tom Zerek or Geata....

Hi-Res picture here


Anonymous said...

My guess is Starbuck or Baltar, and the revelation could be as soon as tonight....

Anonymous said...

starbuck or roslin...