Tonight starts the end of one of the greatest shows on TV... Battlestar Galactica.
The incantation has made me realize what good TV is. How cheesy Sci-Fi on TV used
to be, and helped me forget Galactica '80 (Oh, the HORROR!!!!)
So adter 4 years and reaching Earth the show comes to a close with a BANG.
They have promised to resolve the questions everyone has - Does Roslyn die?
What part does Starbuck (the savior) play? What happened to Earth?
What of the cylon/human hybrid - what is her destiny? And most importantly,
who is the Final Cylon?
My money is on Tom Zerek or Geata....
Hi-Res picture here
My guess is Starbuck or Baltar, and the revelation could be as soon as tonight....
starbuck or roslin...
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