Monday, December 31, 2012

Days gone by / For Auld Lang Syne

So after a year of being hit-or-miss with Blog postings I have finally decided to retire from this expression of myself. It’s both hard and almost too easy to let this go. I had mentioned in the last year about a “change” and maybe it is time for this one. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing, expressing myself, giving reviews & opinions, and letting my raw self be heard over the last 7 years. I am lucky that anyone was actually interested in what I had to say. I LOVE my friends and know they always have my back. It will be weird not having this as an expression of “CHEESE” but I do enough of that on Facebook, Twitter and Flickr so I can fallback on that.

I’ve been told that people love my Movie & TV reviews, Music updates, hearing about Comic-Con and my life in general. Thanks. It is kind of you to find my life that interesting when really it’s not. I live a very charmed life and that I am so lucky you cannot imagine.

I am thankful for Tasia for being there with me the last couple of years, as we start a huge part of our life together. She is definitely the thing that makes my life complete and makes me a better man.

Along with the new addition of Tegan, the rambunctious puppy that brightens my days with every passing moment, there is of course... Mister. My stead fast. My rock. The little abandoned kitten that became the greatest thing that happened to me on Grim Ave.

There are things I will try to live by and grow in. I will continue Being Creative Day-In and Day-Out, be it DESIGN, photography, drawing, gaming or whatever. My love for travel after our Costa Rica trip is insatiable. I MUST travel more. Period. I will still be in the pit or at the front for many great (and not so great) shows. I will still LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Foo Fighters with all my being. Comic-Con will always be part of me and I will try to always be part of it.

I will stay in contact with all my friends. They are part of me no matter the distance or because we haven’t talked in a year. I am there for you, as I know you are there for me.

Like everyday in my life, I feel lucky for my career, friends, family, job, love, car, cat, puppy, creativity, and life. Blog post #520. This is me, signing off, one last time.

Good Night and Good Luck.

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