Friday, March 16, 2012

Killing it with Kisses

One year into the new place (well, not so new anymore). After 12 years on Grim (alone) and now one year (cohabitating), I see the good
and bad of living with someone else. Sure, it’s not always easy and it’s not just you living there.

It’s not just your mess. Or cooking for just yourself. Or taking care of cleaning by yourself. Or dealing with stuff on your own. You always
have to be considerate of the other person living there. I wouldn’t say “check-in” but…

It is nice to always have someone there to do something with, but I sometimes feel QUALITY or QUANTITY is better. Weekends are
great but they get filled up fast, with obligations to friends,family, and the house. I’m a VERY CLEAN person and used to clean every
2 weeks. I’m not as intense as I used to be, but still love a clean house.

The one thing I still hold true to living with someone is these two words – RESPECT and COMPROMISE.

As long as you do those 2 things, you life will be much easier and your living situation will be golden.

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