Thursday, December 22, 2011

All the Small Things (revisited)

I was reading back through my old posts and I read this one from last year
and remembered how much I liked it. So I decided to re-post and update it.

50 Things that make me smile
01. Friends   02. Family   03. Laughing   04. Kissing   05. Mister Surly   06. Music & Live Shows   07. Art

08. Sex   09. Eating great food   10. Making others Smile    11. The way other people smell (in a good way)
12. Honesty   13. Flirting   14. Hugs   15. Accomplishing Goals   16. Great Design   17. A Stiff Drink

18. Great Company  19. YOU   20. Listening to Rain   21. My Career   22. Christmas   23. Sleep
24. Inside Jokes   25. Compliments   26. Travel   27. Talking   28. Hearing a Tree Fall in the Woods 
29. Being in the Sun   30. Writing   31. Confidence   32. Cuddling   33. A Clean House   34. My Career 
35. Having a Plan   36. Morning Texts   37. Football  38. Hot Showers   39. Appreciative People
40. Holding Hands  41. Handwritten Notes   42. A Clean Car   43. The way she smells  44. Photography 
45. Movie Quotes   46. Looking into your eyes   47. Waking up from a Nap   48. Knowing someone cares 
49. Knowing I am loved by my Family   50. Knowing my Friends are Happy

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