Wednesday, August 24, 2011


10 Reasons I exist as a Designer

01. I LOVE and appreciate GREAT design

02. I love what I do for a living. It keeps me fulfilled even when other things
are not where I want them to be in life.

03. It makes me strive to do better / more creative work

04. It penetrates my subconscious sooooo much, I don't even realize it.

05. I love colors, shapes, forms, letters, numbers, the click of an aperture
shutting on a camera, the smell of printing, the sound of a keyboard and
mouse working, an xacto blade cutting and spray mount being applied.

06. Design is Art.

07. Music & Art influence Design. Design influences BOTH.

08. The Beauty of Design.

09. Like photography, Design captures a moment in time.

10. Life is too short to do something you HATE to do / tolerate for a living.

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