Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Miss the Misery

So my annual pilgrimage to the Convention Center has come and went. It was another great year with
many fond memories & new experiences, along with all the fun, frivolity and familiarity you come
to expect - like a pair of comfortable flip flops that you love to wear.

This year was no different.

Wednesday night, aka Preview night, has really become a full-fledged night (I think SDCC should just
add another full day on Wednesday to accommodate the HUGENESS of the Con). Jimmy and myself
got down there early to find the hordes surging. Got our passes and waited for the onslaught onto
the main floor.

Wednesday used to be fun and small. Now it's as much of a cluster-fuck as some of the other days.
It was packed inside by 7:30. We left by 8:45 because I knew the next couple of days were going
to a lot to handle.

Crash came over Thursday morning and we headed down early, which included breakfast a Mission Soma
in the East Village. We didn't do any panels that day and actually had a blast just hanging on the
main floor. Bought a couple things, including an awesome Captain America set by MONDO and artist Eric Tan.

I had parties lined up on Thursday, Friday and Saturday night but ended up being mellow (tired and
little lame) and stayed home.

Friday was an early morning with T-Dub in tow. Being her first Con was excited. Add it the fact we had
panels we wanted to get in at Room 20, I knew we needed to be there early. Lucky we got there by 7:15
because aster 2 1/2 hrs in line to get in, we were probably 200 people before the cut-off for the room
maximum. We sat through panels for Torchwood, The Walking Dead and The Big Bang Theory.

All of them were great, informative and FUN!!! When they showed The Walking Dead trailer is was as
giddy as a schoolgirl!!! Afterwards we wandering the floor a few hours until we were both beat to shit.
We stopped by The Field for bear and irish food. On our way back to the car to the car we ran into 3 "stars" -
Adrianne Curry (Ex Mrs. Peter Brady), Seth Green, and Paul Scheer ("Andre" from the League on FX).

I had arranged for Chuckles to go with me Saturday since it had been forever since he had went and I
like to have someone there with me. We got there as it opened and had a blast. The next day I gave
my passes to Zack and Billy to go wander around as we hit the Track.

Overall another great Con. Looking forward to next year (already), along with the expansion starting
and getting Comic-Con locked in for a long time to come. By the holidays I always start to miss the Con,
the aches and the misery that is the Comic-Con.


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