Thursday, April 28, 2011

Make it So...

I am a fan of Fantasy, some Horror, but my heart lays with Sci-Fi. Growing up in the age of Star Wars, Comic Books, Transformers,
and Land of the Lost, it was hard not to see the coolness of Science Fiction. Now I realize that it's all about great story and boy is
there some great work out there!!!

Here is my TOP 10 (all time) Sci-Fi TV shows:

#10 Star Trek (Original) - Cheesy 60's Sci-Fi still rocks!

#9 Battlestar Galactica (Original) - The TV show that opened my eyes to Sci-Fi as a series. Please disregard BSG 1980. The Horror!!!

#7 Firefly - Short lived but a great fusion of Sci-Fi and the Old West, brought to you by Joss Wheadon (Buffy, Angel)
#7 Millennium - Spin-off of the X Files with waaaaaay creepier and dark.

#6 The Walking Dead - Best show on TV. First season rocked, but short (only 6 episodes). Check it out if you aren't a fan. New season in October.

#5 Dr. Who (Current) - You aren't watching it… Well????!!!! Get on it. Great show. Just started up on BBC America for a new season.

#4 X-Files - The theme song and Misses Peacock still haunts my nightmares.

#3 Star Trek: The Next Generation - Great characters. Great stories. Great action. All after the first season that is. A classic.

#2 Torchwood - Awesome show. Get the past seasons and start from the beginning. You won't be disappointed.

#1 Battlestar Galactica - I was against the idea of this show, but it did seriously blow away all expectations. Super bummed when this one ended.
But looking forward to...

Looking forward to - Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome

Honorable Mention - Fringe, Alien Nation
Alien Nation was a Monday Staple in the late 80's. The movie was better (it had James Caan) but the TV show was still good.
I have seen a few episodes of Fringe, but didn't have the dedication to it. Planning on starting it from the beginning.

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