Wednesday, June 16, 2010

End over End

So comes an end of an era - my comic book collection is no more. Well, at
least for the most part. I decided for a few reasons it was time to sell
off my collection. The problem is, in today's market that comics are worth
what they once were. I feel like the heyday is behind us, along with the
constant deterioration - the comic value will continue to go down... at least
in my lifetime.

I tried to sell them in San Diego, but there wasn't a market for them. At least,
what I thought I would get fr them. The thought of dragging them to the swap meet
or a yard-sale seemed like more trouble that it was worth. So I found a place online
that would take the whole collection for a reasonable price. So after a couple of
weeks of organizing them (Thanks JC) it was condensed to 20 boxes and shipped to

Of course I ended up keeping my favorites (don't you worry Grendel fans), but it
was a little sad and melancholy. But I guess now is as good as time for change,
since the turmoil in my life continues. Hopefully this release helps the
process along.

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