Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Drugs I Need
I got the flu that has been going around and feeling downright horrible!!!
Headache, Chills, Aches & Pains... Just like CRAP. But to make myself feel
better I watched this little ditty and laughed. :)
Friday, January 16, 2009
So say we all...
Tonight starts the end of one of the greatest shows on TV... Battlestar Galactica.
The incantation has made me realize what good TV is. How cheesy Sci-Fi on TV used
to be, and helped me forget Galactica '80 (Oh, the HORROR!!!!)
So adter 4 years and reaching Earth the show comes to a close with a BANG.
They have promised to resolve the questions everyone has - Does Roslyn die?
What part does Starbuck (the savior) play? What happened to Earth?
What of the cylon/human hybrid - what is her destiny? And most importantly,
who is the Final Cylon?
My money is on Tom Zerek or Geata....
Hi-Res picture here
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Dirty Little Secret
Superman isn't the only one with a secret identity—it turns out that
Joe Shuster, the artist who co-created the Man of Steel along with
writer Jerry Siegel when they were teenagers in the 1930s, had one
of his own.
During the 1950s, when the partners were on the outs with DC Comics
due to their attempts to regain the copyrights to their character,
Shuster was unable get any comic-book assignments, and had to look
elsewhere for work. So instead of illustrating the adventures of
Lois and Clark, Shuster took to drawing the racy doings of decidedly
different sorts of couples in images for Nights of Horror, a fetish
magazine sold surreptiously in Times Square sex shops.
It doesn't take a great leap of the imagination to look at the cover
of Craig Yoe's upcoming Secret Identity: The Fetish Art of Superman's
Co-creator Joe Shuster (Abrams, $24.95) and picture the young artist
getting out his frustrations over what he'd lost, because the faces
seem awfully close to those of the most famous famous couple in comics.
Shuster never signed any these images, but as Yoe discovered, many
had been signed JOSH—a combination of the JO from Joseph and the SH
from Shuster. To those in the know, however, no signature was necessary,
as they were clearly Shuster's work.
Luckily for the artist, the general public did not share that
familiarity, because though the publication was eventually banned
by the U.S. Senate, and both the printer and the publisher were jailed,
no one made the connection at the time between those erotic images and
the creator of Superman.
Yoe, whose other books include The Art of Mickey Mouse and Clean
Cartoonists' Dirty Drawings, connected the dots to uncover the
full story behind Shuster's secret, and promises to reveal all in
the pages of Secret Identity: The Fetish Art of Superman.
Stan Lee, co-creator of quite a few superhero characters himself,
will be writing the introduction. We'll just have to wait until the
book's April release to see whether he plans on sharing any secrets
of his own.
(story from scifiwire.com)
Sunday, January 04, 2009
End of Days
I'm glad the Holidays are over. Time to get back into the creative world -
more networking and freelance jobs. I'm buying paint this week to work on
some pieces. as well as purchasing a DSLR by months end.
Not only will I be shooting fun stuff but planning on pushing myself
artistically with it. I will be adding my picture to my paintings to do
some mixed media.
Work has been keeping me busy but DEFINITELY on the hunt for freelance
work - even if the market is tough, there are clients to be found.
I might start branching out and doing some photo retouching for $$$
ince everyone wants their pixs to to their best, Just a thought...
Keeping up with exercise this time of year is hard at the gym because
you get the people with their "Getting back into shape" resolutions
that hog up all the machines when I'm there. Playing Basketball with
Chuckles and Billy too.
Strong Mind... Creative Mind... Positive Mind.
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