Monday, December 01, 2008

The Christmas Spirit(s) OR Drinking to make the Holidays Brighter

Thanksgiving might be the greatest Holiday that we have here in the USA. When else do you get to gorge
yourself with some of the most yummy food and not care about calories or how fat you feel days later.

If you are like me or other health conscious individuals, I hit the gym the day after anyways, so I feel like its
a normal meal. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE TO EAT!!! And this year was like any other. I had Thursday through
Sunday off, as well as the majority of Wednesday too. That was awesome and very relaxing.

The real KILLER was the drinking, which basically started Wednesday night, when I attended the Belly Up to see
Buck O'Nine, and continued through Saturday. Hargis was in town and saw him Friday night. That was cool.

On top of this weekend kicking off the "Holiday Season", I was looking at my calendar and saw I have an Xmas
function or Holiday party every week until after New Years. YIKES!!!!! Be still my liver. Plus I am in
preparation mode for my own XXX Holiday Party.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hit the gym the next day? Yeah right - I ran a 10K on Thanksgiving morning, then took a bike ride the next day just to relax! But then, I am a triathlete now... Looking forward to the XXX Holiday Party! Just an idea... maybe you can enjoy some of these parties without the cocktails?