As the Holidays come to a close, I like to reflect upon the year as a whole...
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and Embarrassing, but at least I can say I lived
life... maybe not to the FULLEST this year, but it was great overall.
• 20 Year Reunion
• TV Writers Strike... BOOOO!!!!!
• Drunk, Confusing, Silly, Stupid Girls
• LTJ / Chris Cornell twice / MFATGG /
• Meeting Sylar at Comic-Con
• The Dark Knight (my top movie of the year with Iron Man #2)
• Positive results on an very important election
Biggest Positive - Starting at a new job (one that appreciates me)
Biggest Regret - Passing on an 800 person FF show in LA
Trying to do a list of things to accomplish in 2009 (some still
on from last year): Be Creative, Blog, Yelp, Shoot Photos, Draw,
Exercise (Bike, Basketball, Golf),Eat better, Read, Experience
New Music, Pay off Bills, and Work smarter.
Like everyday in my life, I feel lucky for my career,
friends, family, job, love, car, cat, creativity, and life.
Thank you. Good Night and Good Luck.
I LOVE this time of year.... The cold weather, the holiday spirit,
the tacky Christmas decor, but most of all - the friends and family.
Had my annual Xmas party on Friday the 19th at Buca Di Beppo.
I had a great time as usual - great food, drinks, conversation
(umm... for the most part). It sounded like everyone had a
great time as well. I love seeing my friends happy
and enjoying themselves.
It was nice to see a mix of old and new friends talking, the kids
having fun, and the adults acting like kids. Jeremy was the recipient
of the LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD which he thoroughly embraced.
A handful of us ended up at the BlueFoot afterwards for cocktails
and dancing. Meet up with a few more friends and proceeded to have
a BLAST!!!
Overall a great party and I feel blessed to have such great friends.
[ PIXS ]
I got to participate in my first CL Holiday Wednesday the 10th.
It was a BLAST and I got to see people outside the office for the first
time since starting at my new job (almost 3 months already!!!).
We had it at Old Venice and there was an open bar and so much food
that I felt like I could be a glutton... BUT I controlled myself
with both (Work RULE #3 - Never get drunk at a work party).
Overall it was awesome and I look forward to many more with my new family.
Pictures Here
Recently saw this trailer on TV and have something to look forward to again.
A new comedy directed by John Hamburg, which has worked with Judd Aptow (and
give that feel to this movie)
It stars Paul Rudd, Jason Segel, Rashida Jones, Andy Samburg, and JK Simmons.
[ Trailer ]
Went to a sneak preview of Valkyrie last night. The Brian Singer
directed piece was great and suspenseful making it overall enjoyable.
Obviously we know the end of the movie (as in the case of all bio pictures)
but it was still riveting, with an all-star cast, including Kenneth Branagh,
Tom Wilkinson, General Zod (Terence Stamp) and Eddie Izzard.
The cinematography and story telling is grand. The scenes around the
assassination attempt have you on the edge of your seat.
I thought it was better than Superman and the X-Men movies, but the bar
still sits with The Usual Suspects, which I know is very high indeed.
Hollywood, the bunch of retards that they are, have decided to ruin
more of my childhood memories by re-making more movies from the 80's:
Red Dawn, Clash of the Titans, Robocop, A Nightmare of Elm Street,
The Karate Kid, Weird Science, Footloose, The Thing, and Romancing
the Stone are in the works.
As well as THEY LIVE, originally staring Rowdy Roddy Piper,
which is also the basis for my beloved OBEY.
What a bunch of Fuck-tards!!!!!
Looking forward to the movie version of World War Z, based on the same book.
[ LINK ]
Smallville news
Even though this season is better than the last couple, I'm still
glad that they have decided that this year will be the last. A couple
of cool things happening this year is the introduction of DOOMSDAY,
Toyman, more of the Justice League (No Batman or Bruce Wayne
though.... BOO!!!) and the Legion of Super Heroes.
Unfortunately, there will probably still no Clark Kent in the
Superman suit because Warner Bros. doesn't want to mess with any
potential big screen stuff.
I came across a grass-roots campaign for awareness of the Dark Knight
and the consideration it should have as Best Picture of the Year when
they announce the ACADEMY AWARDS.
Then I saw this great poster art another artist did and thought it was AWESOME!!!
His site here - [LINK] To see the picture above LARGER - Click Here.
Thanksgiving might be the greatest Holiday that we have here in the USA. When else do you get to gorge
yourself with some of the most yummy food and not care about calories or how fat you feel days later.
If you are like me or other health conscious individuals, I hit the gym the day after anyways, so I feel like its
a normal meal. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE TO EAT!!! And this year was like any other. I had Thursday through
Sunday off, as well as the majority of Wednesday too. That was awesome and very relaxing.
The real KILLER was the drinking, which basically started Wednesday night, when I attended the Belly Up to see
Buck O'Nine, and continued through Saturday. Hargis was in town and saw him Friday night. That was cool.
On top of this weekend kicking off the "Holiday Season", I was looking at my calendar and saw I have an Xmas
function or Holiday party every week until after New Years. YIKES!!!!! Be still my liver. Plus I am in
preparation mode for my own XXX Holiday Party.