Monday, February 11, 2008

Snakes in Suits

According to most media outlets - the TV Writers Strike is coming to a close.
THANKFULLY!!! I cannot express the disappointment I've had watching
bad TV since it began. Actually, I've probably watched LESS TV which is great,
but I do miss my favorite shows. Here is the list of shows and what they plan
to do for the remainder of the season...

Battlestar Galactica - New season starts April 4th!!!
[ and not a minute too soon - I need a BSG fix ]

Bionic Woman - Cancelled
[ I'm bummed about this one!!! ]

Chuck - No new episodes until fall

Criminal Minds - 4-7 new episodes to air in April/May

CSI - 4-7 new episodes to air in April/May

CSI: NY - 4-7 new episodes to air in April/May

Friday Night Lights - No new episodes expected for this season
Future-TBD [ Again, a real bummer, especially if it gets shit-canned ]

Heroes - TBD
[ WTF!!! Where's the new episodes! How about ORIGINS!!! Geez ]

How I Met Your Mother - 5-7 new episodes to air in April/May

Life - No new episodes expected until fall

Moonlight - No new episodes expected until fall

My Name Is Earl - 8-10 new episodes to air in April/May
[ FINALLY some good news ]

October Road - 5 pre-strike episodes remain.
Future beyond that TBD

The Office - 5-10 new episodes to air in April/May

Pushing Daisies - No new episodes until fall

Reaper - 3 pre-strike episodes remain
Future beyond that TBD

Smallville - 4 pre-strike episodes remain.
3-5 additional episodes to air in April/May

Supernatural - 2 pre-strike episodes remain
3-5 additional episodes to air in April/May

Two and a Half Men - 5-7 new episodes to air in April/May

Thank you TV Execs for being such assholes and ruining a great TV season.


Anonymous said...

Jesus H on a popsicle stick you watch too much TV

Anonymous said...

They better damn well bring Reaper back or I will damn them all to HELL!!!!!