Friday, October 12, 2007

Cheer up Boys…

This is a great time of the year to sit back and ponder my life
thus far. As I grow another year older & wiser, I think back at
my choices & mistakes I have made, that have made me the man
(boy trapped in a man’s body) I am today. The reasons I get up
and go on, day after day.

My Family.
More specifically… me Mum. Without her and Sterling Stan,
life would not be what it is today.

My Friends.

I am lucky to have such a large, diverse group of friends
around me. Through thick, thin, horrible times, and the best
of days, they have been there.

My Career.
That which defines me most. Creative. Fun. Energetic.
Being able to create, play and enjoy what I do for a living.

I really do believe in the “soundtrack to our lives” theory.
Music makes the world go round. Food tastes better.
Life IS better with the music in my head(wires) and heart.

The show me & Spork were luck enough to go to is online.
The Foo Fighters in LA at the Nissan LIVE! Show.

Nissan LIVE!

As well as another show that they did:

Walmart Studio Soundcheck

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