Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Behind the Black Curtain

For the most part, I am an open book. But lately I feel
I want to share less & less about myself – not that anyone
ever really reads my rants (do you??). This extends to
my pictures on Flickr. I share for the most part, but there
is an option to view ALL the pictures, just for signing up
on there & adding me as a “friend” (childish I know).

Just found out today that the White Stripes show I was
soooooooo looking forward too was cancelled. I am a believer
that things like that happen for a reason – that reason being
that today I also found out that next Tuesday – the day I was
supposed to see the WS, the Foo Fighters scheduled an
“invite only” show that night in LA… Oh, did I mention
I’m on the list. I am 100-times more stoked about this!!!
I can’t wait.

The following night is Smashing Pumpkins at the SDSU Open Air.
I will be posting my list of TOP SHOWS of the summer next week
sometime. There’s a band firmly planted in the #1 spot but Dave
& the Foo-Boys might dethrone them. We will see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Moody bitch aren't yah ?