Friday, June 29, 2007

Take the Power Back

Here is a History question for you:
Name the FOUR branches of the government…
Executive, Legislative, Judicial and the CHENEY branch.

The vice president has been trying to cast himself as a
"fourth branch of government" because of his legal argument
in resisting the record-keeping request. His office told the
National Archives that it was not an "entity within the
executive branch."

The White House has backed Cheney's view that he does not have
to provide the data on classified documents requested by the
archives office but distanced itself from an effort to cast the
vice president's office as a separate branch of government.

The mandate for the record keeping is covered under an order
Bush himself issued and the president always intended for Cheney
to be exempt from it, the White House said.

Cheney spokeswoman Lea Anne McBride said it was not "necessary
to go through the law and history" of the vice president's role
because Bush had already decided that Cheney does not need to
provide the records.

How many secrets does he keep? What secrets? He even tried to
abolish the agency that runs the oversight of recording &
declassifying secrets. Nice job. I’m glad the government is
looking out for me as a citizen.

Remember, Big Brother is watching you, and obviously,
doesn’t have to tell ANYONE about it.


Anonymous said...

.....and it's ALWAYS been that way......some are just better at hiding it than others.....those go down in history as our great leaders

Anonymous said...

Just wait until Hilary or Obama win next year and that government starts taking more money from your pocket to use in their Big Brother world of running your life for you because clearly you are not capable of doing it on your own. Remember it takes a Village to raise a child and a government to control the adults.

Anonymous said...

Yes.....lets vote in a guy with Muslim ties.....or a Woman who couldn't keep her husband satisfied sexually helping to cause a White House scandal leading to an impeachment .....

Couple of winning choices there

cheese said...

Dem or Republican... I don't care. What I do care about is someone that is not a complete fuck-off like the current leadership. Someone that if they do keep secrets, doesn't get caught (hence the current guy, looking like a retard), and does some good for the country (again, better than dumbass & the good ol' boys)...