Thursday, December 28, 2006

Revolution not Resolution

F@#K!!!! I can’t believe that 2006 is over. Where did the year go!!!
Yesterday was just going to the driving range with Jimmy & Chuckles,
gaming with the boys, FriarFest at Petco, my time at Van Vechten,
meeting new women outside of tanning salons, the Y conference, meeting
new women at pilates class, my time at Sony Online, OBEY events, seeing
the Foo Fighters twice, Del Mar Race Track, baseball playoffs
(damn Padres), EPIC Halloween party, Culture & Cocktails, watching
the Chargers win, Drunkapalooza-2006, and so much more. Great shows,
movies & tv.

Personally - All is great. I have been hanging out with SD for 2 months
and she is really great. We have a ton in common from pop culture,
art & music to design and our way of thinking.

Professionally – I have been busy marketing myself and looking
for more (& more) clients.I got my new business cards in and they
look great!! Still hoping that word of mouth from my friends and
associates will drum up even more business. [If you know ANYONE
that is starting a new business, revamping their existing business or
have ever said “ My business is slow”, be sure to drop my name & website
visualHYPE (point out that it has my e-mail address). Tell them I do marketing,
design – print & web, and advertising. I thank you in advance.]

For 2007 I have decided not to make Resolutions and Goals but instead to
turn it upside down and do all the things I never have time to do,
or keep putting off – like this year’s resolutions. To make a difference
in not only my life, but others as well.

Revolt against the norm. Stand up to mediocrity. Bend the rules.

Join the Revolution.

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