Friday, May 27, 2005

Getting There

Sometimes I ask myself "What does it take…", be it, get a job, support your family,
buy a house, get your bills paid off, make time for friends, fix a broken relationship.
The answer usually comes from what you put into it. I am a firm believer in the more
effort you put into something, the better the results will be. In my hunt for the
perfect job, I always do research on the company, talk to people that have worked for
them (or know people that have), and find out how the company is
doing in their field.

Having dealt with MAJOR family issues lately has really grounded me to what is so
important in my life & WHO is important. In case you are wondering, the mass for my
Grandpa was good – a lot of people showed up for their final respects.
The service at Roscrans Cemetery was gorgeous and moving.
I had never seen one before and the saddest moment was when my Grandma
received the flag from the Marine color guard. I put my family
(and extended family & friends) first.

When it comes to relationships, sometimes too much is not good.
It is better to back off. Give it that breathing room.
Make the other person miss you soooo bad that it hurts.
Sometimes it’s the only way for them to appreciate you.
I decided that I need to be the focal point
in someone’s life. I can’t (and won’t be) the other thing they
have to do or deal with. They must realize their issues on their own,
coming from inside that things will only change
within themselves once they accept and say they “want to change”.

Lastly, I will learn to trust again.

Some good news – another positive call back from a company. We will see what next week brings.

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