Wednesday, February 20, 2008

HD-DVD is Dead. Long Live Blu-Ray.

The Battle is over and as expected Blu-Ray has beat down HD-DVD
into a bloody pulp. Well, at least they dominated the market enough
for Toshiba to throw in the towel.

So thinking of going out and buying a Blu-ray player right now?
Hold it a moment. If you've already bought a stand-alone Blu-ray
player other than a Playstation 3 then you'll be stuck with the HD-DVD
people - ie. likely to throw out your player in the near future.

Only players capable of playing Blu-ray's 2.0 profile (aka. BD-Live)
are truly future proof. At present, the only player capable of doing
that is the PS3, though Panasonic and Sony are expected to release
players soon that use the standard. We're also still a good year or
so off from the holy grail - a region free Blu-ray and DVD player
that can play either format disc from anywhere in the world.

Read the Article HERE

And for anyone that has a smart-ass comment on the title, I was referencing
the title "The Queen is Dead, Long live the Queen". Thanks for your comments.

Friday, February 15, 2008

The World has turned and left me here

This week brought the announcement of Polaroid stopping production
of their instant Film by 2009. They will actually stop when there is
enough to last THROUGH 2009, meaning stopping sometime this year.
They stopped making new cameras 2 years ago.

I like the kitsch and look of the Polaroid. It's cool on many levels.
It produces in ways Digital never will.

It's a sad day for Artists and Photographers alike.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Going back to Cali - Part One

I attended the first meeting of the Helix High School 2008, 20 year reunion last night.
It was fun seeing everyone - there were 6 of us. Patti Horton (Delgadillo) is the
ring-leader and main organizer. She is getting a lot of help from people beside the other
5 of us (Crystal, Karin S, Kathy A, and Steve T) so I feel like the whole process will run smoothly.

We discussed the Agenda, places to have the Dinner, Mixer & Picnic. Some of it seems finalized,
other things should be decided upon in the next month or so. Half of the commitee is going to look at
a place that is reserved for the Dinner. The place sounds cool, but specifics need to be ironed out.

We each have a handful of small tasks that should move the process along smoothly.

Right now (preliminary) schedule is as follows:

Friday July 18th - DINNER
Coranado Cays Clubhouse - Coranado

Saturday July 19th - MIXER

Sunday July 20th - PICNIC
Ski Beach

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Going back to Cali - preamble

Had the first meeting of the 2008 HHS reunion tonight.
Will be updating on this shortly...

In the meantime, please update your info and send me any e-mail address,
phone numbers and information you want passed on. Thanks in advance.

ps - Have you ever noticed "Chuckles" isn't in this picture???




Monday, February 11, 2008

Snakes in Suits

According to most media outlets - the TV Writers Strike is coming to a close.
THANKFULLY!!! I cannot express the disappointment I've had watching
bad TV since it began. Actually, I've probably watched LESS TV which is great,
but I do miss my favorite shows. Here is the list of shows and what they plan
to do for the remainder of the season...

Battlestar Galactica - New season starts April 4th!!!
[ and not a minute too soon - I need a BSG fix ]

Bionic Woman - Cancelled
[ I'm bummed about this one!!! ]

Chuck - No new episodes until fall

Criminal Minds - 4-7 new episodes to air in April/May

CSI - 4-7 new episodes to air in April/May

CSI: NY - 4-7 new episodes to air in April/May

Friday Night Lights - No new episodes expected for this season
Future-TBD [ Again, a real bummer, especially if it gets shit-canned ]

Heroes - TBD
[ WTF!!! Where's the new episodes! How about ORIGINS!!! Geez ]

How I Met Your Mother - 5-7 new episodes to air in April/May

Life - No new episodes expected until fall

Moonlight - No new episodes expected until fall

My Name Is Earl - 8-10 new episodes to air in April/May
[ FINALLY some good news ]

October Road - 5 pre-strike episodes remain.
Future beyond that TBD

The Office - 5-10 new episodes to air in April/May

Pushing Daisies - No new episodes until fall

Reaper - 3 pre-strike episodes remain
Future beyond that TBD

Smallville - 4 pre-strike episodes remain.
3-5 additional episodes to air in April/May

Supernatural - 2 pre-strike episodes remain
3-5 additional episodes to air in April/May

Two and a Half Men - 5-7 new episodes to air in April/May

Thank you TV Execs for being such assholes and ruining a great TV season.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Pick your Poisons

For those of you that think being a designer is easy, coming up with a creative
idea is child's play and can do websites themselves... You are so correct!!!
Here's a product that will help you out.

[ link ]